This is where we normally feed the llama ladies.
Yep, right there. I have a couple rubbermaid tubs that I fill with hay and then I set them in there. Its quite easy actually.
You see, in the evenings the goats normally get put to bed in their little goat stall in the barn and that leaves the llamas out all night to happily enjoy the pastures on their own. And then they can eat as they please from their little rubbermaid tubs.
Well, as of late, we have been experimenting.
We have been leaving the goat boys out all night along with the llamas.
They seem to love it. I will look out there of an evening and they are all bedded down next to each other....peace...harmony....
Except for one little detail.
These sweet, little goat boys...
Who are clearly starved for attention...
And never get any belly scratches....
Or great big hugs....
Yeah those goats.
They wont let the lovely llama ladies eat in peace. They jump right in those rubbermaid tubs and go to town on that hay. And while Im all about sharing and all that good stuff...I really like to be able to monitor their hay intake. Especially Dollys...who is getting older and needs more food in the winter months.
So what to do?
S came up with a really great idea to make hay feeders just for the llamas.
So those super friendly, in your personal space goats, couldnt reach them.
Only trouble is...they are kinda too high. Toni (and Dolly) have a hard time reaching them.
We could lower them, but as you can see from one of the previous pictures...if we lower them too much more then those goat boys will be able to get to them.
Yeah, those same goat boys I talked about earlier.
The ones that never get scratches till they doze off...
The ones that never get to play the head butt game with dad....
The ones that would certainly never show you their sweet, little goat butts.
Do you guys have any suggestions?
1 hour ago