Tuesday, September 25, 2007

When I grow up...

I have finally found my dream job, aside from what I do now, of course.

This weekend I had(got) to power wash the deck. Can I just say that I now think I should have one of these things for my purse. So I can carry it with me and spray off my kids when they get in messes. You know, the sand box, the dirt, the ice cream cones in the van!

This task was by far the funnest I have done since we began all these house selling tasks.

Just look....try and tell me that you can't tell the difference.


Anonymous said...

Wow! That's an amazing difference!! I got a chuckle at the thought of using that thing on the kids!! LOL!

Crazy Young Black Women said...

That is good. You are more than welcome to use your power washer to wash my car, its horribly dirty!

Anonymous said...

one time we rented a power washer to clean off the walk and house. my hubby and I were out there literally fighting over the thing b/c we both wanted to play with it :)

It looks great!

frugalmom said...

farm mom: I couldn't believe the difference. And it was not hard at all.

Crazy Young Black Women: Umm...I don't think so. Maybe next time.

boogiemum: That sounds like us...well, okay, he was more than happy to let me do it. Then he could busy himself with other things.

www.laughtoomuch.com said...

Wow that looks amazing.

frugalmom said...

www.laughtoomuch.com: Thanks. It was fun, too.