This has made for plenty of great veggie harvests.
So far, we have processed zucchini relish.
Bread and butter pickles.
And dill pickles.
Earlier in the season we noticed that our San Marzano tomatoes were having some issues. Blossom End Rot to be exact. The San Marzanos are very prone to this ailment, but also, it is most generally caused by a calcium deficiency. So, we added some lime and then really increased our watering frequency.
We thought we were out of the woods until we began getting ripe tomatoes that looked like this inside. Blech.
Apparently, BER can also affect the inside of the tomato as well. So, what looks like a perfectly great, ripe tomato on the outside, is rotten on the inside. After lots of research and reading we discovered that this ailment will normally go away on its own as long as the tomatoes are getting enough calcium and frequent watering. If the tomatoes are allowed to get too dry then when they do get watered it is hard for them to be able to absorb the right amount of calcium that they need. So, we continued on with the watering and added one more lime application.
And yesterday we cut into this!!! This made me so happy.
Its no secret that I am awful at container gardening...and yet, every season, I try again. Now, in my defense, this little kettle didnt get filled very long ago...but, well, Ill keep my fingers crossed.
A little visitor in the flower gardens.
And this was a great, happy surprise just today! My first one this season.
These are actually the biggest ones I have right now in the garden. I cant wait to see them all in bloom!
And this guy? Can you tell he doesnt belong here? I just couldnt bear to move him. Not when hes doing so well....what do you think? Pumpkin? Cantaloupe? Squash?