We have been in the house for 5 days. No better time to jump right in to farm life, right?
Rewind a week or so. Even tho we owned the house at this time, we were letting the sellers rent it back from us since their newly purchased house was not ready to move into quite yet. As part of our sales contract we required that the seller have the septic tank pumped and certified. Upon the certification inspection, it was discovered that the whole septic system(tank and drain field) needed to be replaced.This was my front pasture about a week ago.
They were digging trenches(5 of them to be exact) to install the new drain field.
This is the new septic tank.
This is where the septic tank will be connected to the drain field.
This is what the pasture looks like now.
All my lovely green grass is all covered up with dirt.
Or, as I learned a couple days ago, silt. A sedimentary material consisting of grains or particles of disintegrated rock, smaller than sand and larger than clay. The diameter of the particles ranges from 0.0039 to 0.0625 mm. Silt is often found at the bottom of bodies of water where it accumulates slowly by settling through the water.
Well, over the weekend, we decided it was a good time to try out the irrigation system. We have several different kinds of sprinklers out there. We have this lovely version, that is hidden in the ground, but pops up when its time to water. This one is nice as you can mow right over it.
We have this version. This one is found mostly in the flower beds. It is supposed to be some type of drip sprinkler, but really? Its more of a spray.
And then there is this version. Which is clearly not hidden and not dripping. This variety is found mainly in the pasture.
Well, this last variety is what prompted me to throw on my boots today and head outside to see what the heck was going on.
They should all be spraying like this(only with much more force) But there was one that just was not pulling his weight at all. (see above picture) Not one drop of water was coming outta that puppy.
Upon closer inspection, I noticed this pretty river running through all the silt.
Now, the water pressure coming out of that sprinkler was not nearly enough to carve that kind of river through all that silt. So, I go back up closer to where I think the source is.
Hmmmm....this little geyser cant be a good sign.
Lets step near it...and see what happens.
The geyser gets much bigger.
The realization sets in pretty quickly that I am going to have to put my hand in that water to see whats causing this. ((shudder))
It turns out that it was a little more than just my hand.
After my arm is fully submerged, I can feel water gushing out down there amidst all the tree roots. That water is coming from what feels like a pvc pipe.
At this point, I go back in the house...and just pretend everything is fine.
Okay, fine. I go back in and turn off that sprinkler zone. Once its turned off the water is no longer gushing out of that pipe. Thats good right? Maybe? I mean, at least I have it narrowed down to a possible source.....
This discovery requires a dig. The pipe needs to be found so the situation can be assessed.
And find it I did. However, Im thinking it should maybe be all one piece......