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Christmas and beyond
Christmas is totally over. Did you know that? In fact, tomorrow is the first day of February. Just in case you were wondering.
But, lets rewind a little bit. Our Christmas this year was much different than any other that we had in the past. Normally we spend Christmas eve with my ma and she fixes a fabulous meal of baked ham, mac and cheese, green beans, and biscuits. Christmas morning we would open *our* set of gifts, have S's homemade cinnamon rolls, and then rush around crazy so that we could head out for his folks...we had to be on the road by 9 am.
This year however, we were(well, I mean we still are) in Washington. And the family is not. So, we did a whole lot of computer communication.
And there were a whole lot of boxes being delivered.
K got this chair that she had been wanting FOREVER. I think this is why I hardly see her out of her room these days....
J was super excited about this game he received and had to show grammy via our Skype session just how amazing it was.
After the holidays were done and the tree was all cleaned off we threw it out to the animals. After an initial burst of enthusiasm, they were not at all interested.
Weve had some super nice weather in the last several I can say that the coop is now sporting a really nice door.
And well, when the weather wasnt so nice...I had one of these made especially for Dolly.
Thats right. A llama coat. Dolly came over to me one day and told me that the cold temperatures were, well, cold. So, I, being able to totally relate to being cold and not liking it one bit...jumped into action and contacted a lady here in eastern WA that makes llama coats.
S is trying to convince her that everything is fine.
He offers her some grain which she readily accepts. She likes her grain.
And theres Toni in the background...seeing Dolly getting grain, but realizing that there may be some type of ulterior motive to it.
Dolly did a great job with letting us put her coat on. The next morning when I went out to feed everyone she told me that the coat kept her super warm. She did say however, that she didnt really like the noise it made when she moved around....
But clearly she got used to it. I mean, it definitely wasnt keeping her from enjoying her breakfast.

Stylish, It will keep the fiber clean as well.
Glad to see you posting again Marcee! Looks like everyone had a great Christmas in Washington. I love Dolly's new coat. What about Toni...does she get a coat too? That chicken coop is looking fantastic. Can't wait to see its new residents in the spring!
Hard adjustment---being without your family for Christmas. I'm glad it went well.
When are you thinking about getting chicks to put in that nice chicken coop?
Llama coats---didn't know they needed one because of all that wool. I suppose the wet and cold combined would make a llama cold.
Glad you're back, but I know exactly how you feel about not blogging for a bit.
Yay Yay Yay Yay!!!!! You're baaaaack!!!! I've missed you terribly. Gina has a chair like Kaylin's only it's lime green! She loves it!! Thank God for Skype. I know it's not nearly as good as the real thing but it's better than nothing. If I was a llama I would want a coat too. You're such a good mama. HA!
Keep up the blogging!!
Dolly got a new coat?? Was it a Carhart??Hahaha... I know yours is keeping YOU warm.. I didn't know Llamas needed coats..
I'm so glad your blogging again..I've missed reading them..please continue..~
I'm sooooo very thankful for made the Christmas Holiday so much more bearable..We didn't have our Ham and Mac & Cheese but we did have some good time together watching the festive paper fly with opening the gifts..
Keep the posts coming have some catching up to do:)
dolly looks so cute in that coat. Your chicken coop looks really nice.
Yay, its good to see you again. Your coop looks great!
Wow, look who's farming. And Llamas no less, and stylish at that. I haven't been blogging in forever and it is nice to catch up and finally see your farm. Congrats.
Hi! That's so neat! I'm glad you found my blog and stopped by... and glad I have yours to stop by whenever now too!! ...Have fun with the lessons - if you ever have any questions or just want to bounce some thoughts off of a recent convert, I'm your person!
I love her coat!!!
It looks like everyone found a way to make the best out of being so far away from family at Christmas time. I really like K's chair - it looks comfy and cozy. And I bet Grammy was just tickled to see how happy J was over his new game.
Dolly looks quite stylish in her new coat. I bet she is eternally grateful for the warmth it provides.
Hey - did S go ahead and make his homemade cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning?
Chai Chai: She is super stylish...she will tell you that, too :-)
Lilla: Thanks for the welcome back! Toni wasnt having as hard of a time with the really cold temps like Dolly was. So, I opted not to get her a coat...and really? I think she was totally fine with that :-)
CeeCee: It was for sure a very different holiday season than we have had in the past. It will take some getting used to. The chicks will be arriving on Mar 25!!!! I am so excited! As far as the coat, I think its an individual thing. Dolly was having a hard time keeping warm when it got to the colder temps. Shes getting up there in I think her body just doesnt work as well as it used to.
J.J.: So good to talk to you the other day. It really was a great talk and it helped tremendously. :-)
Ma: Thanks! Im not sure Ill be able to "catch up" necessarily, but I will try really hard to keep things more current. just been so busy...
Periwinkle Farm: Thanks for stopping by! I cant wait to fill that coop with some chickens :-)
Sugarcreekstuff: Hey Mish!! How the heck are ya? Can you believe that Im gonna have chickens soon???
Greywolf: Hey there! Thanks for the kind words. Hope you and your family are doing well.
SupaFlowaPowa: Wow! Loved that you came by and left a comment. Thats so cool. I have to say that I LOVE the picture of you and your husband on your header. Its so sweet. Thanks for the lovely offer of being able to talk or ask questions. Thats really nice of you. I may take you up on that you know?? :-)
Lisa: Thanks. She didnt quite know what to make of it at first, but shes fine with it now.
Penny: Yes, S did make his infamous cinnamon rolls. And they were super yummy :-)
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