A quick stop to add some fresh flowers to the basket.
A pretty picnic lunch for the birthday girl.
I think she liked it.
How about now? He loves to climb that tree every time hes at Grammy's.
This is Zeus. He lives in the house behind my ma. Hes just a pup and really likes to play. He was quite put off that there was a fence that separated him and Darby.
A little assessment of the situation.
And off again!
And of course she had to look up to see exactly what it was that she hit.
And then we all began to laugh.
It was a great little lunch time surprise. Happy Birthday, Ma!
You bout gave this ole woman a heart attack pulling up here and honking like a crazy person.. but was sooo worth it.. quite a surprise alright.. great lunch,bright sunny flowers, and awesome company.. THANKS FOR A DELIGHTFUL DAY..LOVE YOU
Looks like Grammy had a wonderful birthday.
BTW very nice looking garden you have there.
What a great surprise for Grammy. Run Darby run! She's fast! K needs to watch where she's going huh? Hee, hee.
What a nice thing to do for your Mom! I called my Mom "Ma" too.
What a fun surprise.
Happy Birthday, Diane! I'm so glad such a fun party came to you!!
Love the picnic, love the basket, LOVE the bbq chips (!!) - and I love how much you guys look like you were laughing!
♥ ♥ ♥
You are such a great daughter. I can't think of a mother out there that wouldn't think you gave the perfect gift. Aren't parents wonderful? I'm happy that you get to spend so much time with your ma. I hate the miles that separate me from mine - and I love every second I get to spend with her and dad.
Happy Birthday Diane!! I can see K and I are going to have a lot in common! :)
Happy Birthday Grammy! I think the family likes you just a little bit. :)
Can I babysit Darby when you go out of town? I know we live hundreds of miles apart and all, but you can just drive by the house and I'll meet you in the driveway. You won't even have to get out of the car. Unless maybe you need a pitstop.
How sweet! Love the pictures showing all of you having such a good time.
What a wonderful day you gave your Mother. :-)
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