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Visiting and chores.
Ive been gone. Where was I, you ask? I was hanging out at Critter Farm and visiting with my great friend, Danni.
Traveling to see her is one of my most favorite things to do. And I am beginning to think that my stopping by has become one of their favorite things,too. How can I tell? Would it be by the showering of confetti and streamers? Nah....its much better than that. I can tell because they always have a list of things for me to do when I arrive. Thats how I know that they really like me.This time I was entrusted to do many, many things. So many, in fact, that I wont even list them all here. But, I will be nice and show you a few.I got to sweep out the barn.
Plant some tomatoes.
Harvest some very yummy candy striped beets.
They even let me use the clippers for several different tasks.
I got to plant some zucchini seeds. 2 different kinds.
And I got to watch Roxy swipe a strawberry right off the plant and then become a little confused on if she should be eating it or not...I think really she was just waiting for someone to cut it up for her.
I did not, however, get up on the roof to remove the pine needles.
Nor did I try to catch that really cool snake we saw.
All those chores were really fun. But lest I confuse you and make you think that all they had me do was work , work ,work...let me show you what else I got to do.I had some one on one time with Pete and Reggie.
I sat by a really great campfire.
I got to take Pete and Reggie to pasture. Shhhh..I also sat there and watched them...I could have done that for hours.
I even got to watch Pete run and run and run...and then. Sleep.
And look what I got to take home for all my hard work.
Upon my return home I received word that I was not quite done with my chores after all. I was asked if I had planted my sweet, darling, baby Douglas fir trees.
And to that I can say, yes. Yes, I did.

It sounds wonderful!
It is so great that you planed your trip the same time they had the "Stacking Goats on your Lap" event. Did you win?
Fun, fun, fun. Even the work sounds like fun. But I'm glad you're back. It's not much fun here when you are there - cause you don't write. Where are you planting those firs?
Aw, jeez. Lest people think you were overworked and underpaid while you were here, NOW I have to do a companion post as to how much we sat on our a**es and laughed. :-)
"Stacking Goats on your Lap event" ...HA!!! Yes. You won. Can we share the goat nursing photos? Sadly, you have them on your camera so I have to ask permission first.
I've been asked to inform you that those Douglas Fir trees are, indeed, the state tree of Oregon. Apparently, you forgot to mention this. ha
(btw, good job getting them home alive!)
p.s. I have better pictures of the campfire than you do. :-)
Looks like lots of fun, even work is fun when you are with friends.
Ummm, I think that is two on one time. ;0)
Sounds like you had a great time visiting and working on Criter Farm. One day I hope to visit there too.
Welcome Home.
Awww.....great pics, glad you girls had a great time. And don't worry danni, I don't buy that overworked bit for a minute...I know you two well enough to know lots of goofing off took place last week. I've even seen some stylish photos to prove it!! ;)
Looks like a great time. I was wondering where you were. I would have been in total heaven with those goats on my lap. Lucky you! Welcome back.
Sounds like you had so much fun, enhanced, of course, by loving requests for your working hands. And work you did! Even stacked goats, went shopping, ate turkey sandwich on white, talked about things that were VERY IMPORTANT....
Come back soon!
Cool little trees. Nice job protecting them on the trip back. :-)
mmmmmm... beets.
Sounds like fun was had all around...especially by those darling goats! Kim
Melody: It was wonderful!
sugarcreekstuff: Well, its not a publicized have to have a VIP pass...and yes, I totally won!!
Penny: The work was fun! I love working out at Danni's. We always have so much fun. Awww...thanks for the nice welcome back. Right now the firs will stay in containers. Wish me luck, please, so that I may keep them alive.
danni: We did do a lot of sitting and laughing, too. Yes, we did.
Ummm, no. Those photos have been sealed.
Right. Yes. They are the state tree of Oregon. I remind them that every time I water them.
Mim: I agree. Work is way more fun when you have someone to hang out with you.
Farmer Jen: It was a great time. And I just know when you get a chance to visit Critter Farm that the goats will love on you, too.
GreyWolf: Thanks.
Ang: What? Stylish photos? Not on my watch....
Lilla: Hey there! Thanks for stopping by. Those goats were heaven. They are so very sweet.
Zitrone: I had the best time. I always do. But then, danni takes very good care of me. And what better way to talk about IMPORTANT THINGS then over a turkey sandwich and some fries...unless of course, you talk about IMPORTANT THINGS over a cell phone while picking out needles made of bamboo.
Anon: Its such a treat to see you over here. My sweet baby firs are doing well(so far). Did you know that those are the state tree of Oregon? And those beets WERE yummy (and not even red).
IF: Yeah. I do believe that those goats are pretty special. And they have to know that they have us wrapped around their hooves.
Hello frugalmom,
I've heard that the Douglas Fir is the state tree of Oregon. Can you confirm this?
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