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Work and play
Upon our arrival to WA the start of school was imminent. K drew the shortest straw, so she got to begin her school day first. Ha! Not really. She had to be to school naturally, I took her first. And let me just say, they have her school set up like a well oiled machine....before I could even snap any more pictures, she was whisked off with a couple of student helpers. Quite honestly, I think that worked out really well. It didnt give her any time to fret.
Next up? J. I was very pleasantly surprised to walk into his new classroom and find that there were far fewer kids in his class. Thats always a great thing. I was able to snap a shot of him while we were in his classroom before all the kids began to rush in.
But right after that shot? I was totally not surprised to find that he was surrounded by girls when I turned my back for one minute....sadly, I wasnt able to capture that before I was being introduced to the teacher and given paper after paper to fill out.
After a full first day of school it was fun to see that K and S both have to have special clearance to navigate their way around their separate buildings.
Im happy to report that after one full week of school the kids are doing fabulously. They have acclimated so well to their new classes and classmates. I am so happy and proud. This makes me smile very, very big.
And to celebrate this...we decided to go exploring. And we found this really big mountain. Okay, well it was big to us, anyway!

And look. I wont ever have to worry about running out of sage in my spice drawer ever again.
So, we went up,

And up,

And up.
We didnt make it to the top before we decided to head back down tho. We will have to save that for another day.
The little guy got tuckered out....if you can believe it.

Marc, maybe I'm being dense, but I thought WA had more trees?
Congratulations to the kiddos. Moving is so hard and you have provided them with the mental tools to take it all in stride. You should be proud of YOU, too. :)
Awesome hill! It sort of looks like an indian burial ground we have nearby it a natural hill? Anyhow, sounds like the adjustment is going well!
CeeCee: Youre not dense at all. Green and trees and rain is what most people think of when they think of included. :-) But we are on the other side of the mountain range...eastern WA. It is considered the desert portion of WA...not very many trees, but lots of hills and tumbleweeds. :-)
Warren: Hey! Thats a *mountain.* Not just a hill. :-) But, yes, it is natural. Its called Badger Mountain.
Clearly little G wouldn't have gotten all tuckered out if he had a miniature pack goat to carry a snack and juice box up that hill.
Just sayin'
So, so, so happy that the kids took to school so well!! What a load off of your mind, I'm sure. It will be so nice when you are in your own home and all settled in and you have your new goats with you! Can't wait to hear all about everything, that's not asking too much is it? :-) Love you guys!
That is so awesome! And yes, the trees and lush green are a HUGE misconception for everyone in the US I think. The vast majority of Oregon and Washington are hilly, dry, and tree barren (aside from those that have been planted) The lush green that we think of is mostly coastal. Personally I like the open land better.
You will have lots and lots of sage...but I've never tried cooking with it. I'm not sure its the right kind for that. But it smells DEVINE when you mow or burn it!
So is that mountain in your soon to be back yard? That would be wonderful if it was...then you could go release stress every day. It looks beautiful to me there...even if there are no trees. Kelly
Wow. You people already look like natural born Washingtonians! All settling in and climbing mountains and ready for tumble weeds and stuff. Look at S and K all official and smiling. I bet S is SO happy to have his family with him again. I wish you could have gotten J's pic with the girls all flocking around him. I bet he looked really handsome and cool. And G is quite the trooper, isn't he? He seems to be taking it all in stride. Sometimes people get tired. Can't blame the little guy for that. So how is M? Other than being happy your family is happy? Hey S - snap a photo of M for us!!!!
Oh..I can't wait to see the kids new schools..and what a tremendous relief that everything happened so can try to predict that its going to play out that way..but one never knows for sure..Sounds like everything's falling into place..
Oh..G..looks like you got your new sneakers..Did they help you climb that big hill?? COOL!!!!!
Love and kisses from Grammy to you all..
Great first week! Everyone looks so happy. My ex-husband grew up in the town that you are now living in. He told me all about how eastern Washington is dry and desert, but also beautiful. He had a lot of fun there as a kid.
Love all the smiles.
Fun walk - did the Darbster get to go, too?
My favorite is the photo of K. and S. posing with their top-secret-security-clearance-special-agent badges. lol
I'm really happy you are all settling in so quickly.
Watch out for the muddy mud trenches, though. I hear those are deep and numerous currently. :-)
Looks just like where I was raised (Yakima in central WA) I now live on the rainy green side. I so miss the sun and warmth of Eastern WA. Enjoy and watch our for rattlesnakes and scorpions...seriously! Kim
Yupe, looks like eastern Washington to me. Lots of folks don't know there's two different sides to this state.
Welcome to you and yours from a native Washingtonian!!
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