I was hoping for some ripe ones last week, but sadly it didnt play out that way.
Yesterday, tho, I went out for the daily harvest and just look what I found.
5 pretty little things.
Cut it up.
And YUM.
You cant have this piece tho. I already promised to share it with someone else.
Nice melons, Marc. :-) :-) :-)
You have some very lovely melons there! I am envious.
I can't imagine what it would be like to be able to grow melons! Yum.
I notice ya didn't cut them open while Danni was there.
I'm just sayin'
Hmpf. Those dern things weren't RIPE while I was there. I would sneak out at night and speak softly and gently to them...begging them to ripen, so I might have a taste before I left...but nooooo.....hmpf.
Wish we could get melons to grow here, think I am going to get a nice greenhouse and see if I can't encourage some meloning going on!!
YUM! I swear, those are like my FAV garden treat. There is nothing like a ripe one fresh from the garden. Sigh. They totally ruin the store bought one for ya too. Glad you had such good luch with them this year, my friend.
I like your melons too!
Ohhh those are beautiful all lined up on your counter...I can almost smell them!!! Kim
Those are perfectly beautiful cantaloupes! I could smell it when you cut that one.
There is nothing better in the whole world than fresh picked fruit! :)
Wow, who knew so many people liked your melons ;) My kids love melon. I wish I liked it too. I love the smell, there's just something about the taste that I can't quite like.
danni: That says it all. Im just sayin.
Farmer jen: I have so many right now...I could send you some pony express!
goatgirl: I tell ya, I tried so hard to get those darn things to ripen while she was here....good thing I had Darby here to distract her.
Rosie: I bet melons would love it in a greenhouse.
farm mom: Mmmmm...they are a very tasty treat. Thats for sure. Did you grow some this year?
warren: Thanks. (Blush)
IF: I just saw your melons, too. Well, one of your melons. :)
Penny: Didnt it smell great? Hey, have you seen that Dewberry candle? I swear I see that commercial on tv all the time now that you introduced me to a dewberry.
linda m: I have to agree with you. It sure makes the winter time hard to get thru!
J.J: Right? Who knew? Whats that you say? Your kids like melons? I may just have to drop some off on your porch....when youre not looking.
No, I haven't seen the dewberry candle commercial - I bet it smells yummy! Have you figured out if you have them there? The berry looks very much like a blackberry - but dewberries (at least around here) grow on a scraggly bush, and the berries are much larger. They are usually a little more tart than blackberries - although we've picked some that were very sweet. They come in just after the blackberries do around here.
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