It just so happens, the one that spoke to me this time, well, it has spoken to me before. At my last house. In Illinois. Spiced vinegar. Such a lovely fall name.
Well, he was just beside himself when he scored these tile spacers from one of the gentleman workers.
Maybe one of the workers loaned him a shovel?
I'm glad your construction is moving along. Your 'spiced vinegar' looks a bit like the background color of your blog.
Well, I know you think I'm crazy now.
I mean, your color looks like the background color of your comment page. I never really noticed that they change colors.
That little truck has been the source of much fun! Shawn used to hide things in it, too.
Ooooh, the tile looks so pretty in your shower. And regarding those paint chips...I choose the beige one. (ah ha ha ha hahaaaaaaa)
So tickled G has a shoe fetish, too. Makes me not feel quite so lonely with mine.
What's the completion date for the bathroom?
Nice shower tile. And I was drawn to the same paint chip as you were. You have great taste! Danni's comment about beige did crack me up though.
Glad to hear your construction workers are not like ours...
I love all the colors in that general house is proof of it.
That tile in your shower is beautiful.
Did G really bury your shoes? If so, that is hysterical.
I like that name, spiced vinegar! The color is pretty too. G does seem to have a great interest in the building, excavationg, type stuff! Lots of great careers in those areas! Just don't let him become a truck driver. I don't recommend it.
I love the Spiced Vinegar color. Mostly I love the name.... The shower stall is awesome! Good thing G found those shoes for you. Such a helpful little guy.
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