When I begin to feed the goats in their stall.
Even tho Finley isnt quite sure what to make of this idea.
And when Toni waits very impatiently at "HER feeder" for hay.
And then proceeds to give me the cold shoulder when I dont get out there quickly enough.
You see, about this time of year, the irrigation system has been shut down for the winter. All the sprinkler valves have been blown out so the pipes dont freeze. This means that the pasture no longer gets watered on a regular basis. So, as you can imagine, its pretty picked over out there. Dont get me wrong, there is still plenty for them to eat out there, but the most select areas of the pasture are no longer to their liking.
Dolly doesnt seem to mind very much at all because she still has her hay bits.
However, Toni...she doesnt like Dolly quite that close.
So yeah, the goats.
I have begun to feed them in their stall now.
Only because they tend to get underfoot pretty readily and they dont take heed of one very important item. PERSONAL SPACE.
Just ask Toni.
And the llamas, well, they really like their routine. Every morning, when the hay makes its appearance...the llama ladies rush to their favorite feeding spot.
4 llamas 4 feeding spots. Makes sense right?
Then tell me, please, why this one feeding spot is always left all alone....
I just cant figure it out.
Silly llamas.
Pressed Flower Resin Magnets
6 hours ago
I loved the photos, Everyone looks so good in their winter coats. Sometimes my chickens are picky eaters as to were they like to eat. What we do to make our critters happy. :-)
Love seeing the goat boys. They all look great! What a beautiful farm you have now. Your dream has come true!
My goodness. You have your hands full figuring out who like what station for eating. But I know it makes you smile watching all those little personalities in your barn yard.
I love all the pictures, but the one of Dolly and Toni made me laugh. I could really sense the tension, and I think I could read their minds! Ha!
Yep. Any change in the routine and there are unhappy little critters. Good for you for turning off the water before it bursts. I ride it out until all the hose connections freeze and burst and then I start hauling water. I mean to set a date to turn things off and save my connections but I keep hoping for one more day without hauling water. And one more day. And one more day...
Stevie @ ruffledfeathersandspilledmilk.com
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