It is almost 11 am as I sit(finally) to post this entry. I have done 3 loads of laundry, emptied and refilled the dishwasher, washed all my hand washable dishes, changed a couple diapers, and had my trip to Target.
The Target trip is where things got a little crazy! Loaded the little guy up after he had breakfast and made our way to Target. So far, so good. Got there, got his cart pouch all ready, got him in the cart, got my bag and our cups of water. Made it into the store...looking around in the dollar spot...realize that my cart is leaking water all over and that my son, his clothes, the cart pouch, and my bag are all now pretty well soaked. The culprit...he got a hold of my water cup(which I now wish was spill-proof, like his)and poured it all over himself! He had great fun. He was laughing and carrying on...I was assessing the damage and trying to figure out where to begin!
Lucky for me I have my brand new bag! It is equipped with all the bells and whistles(only a little damp). I take him out of the cart pouch and into the restroom to strip him down and change his diaper and his clothes. Now that he is all dry again I use his wet clothes to finish drying off his place in the cart. The cart pouch is so wet it is dripping water. I roll all the wet stuff into a bundle and stuff it on the bottom part of the cart and set off to begin anew!
Dry and still happy. Who could ask for more? Now onto my shopping and to look for cool and groovy things for my green and pink swap!
The Weekend Dish: 2/22/2025
3 hours ago
I remember a certain trip to Lowe's, with your eldest, that rendered you covered in vomit. At least you've graduated to water.
Yeah...I remember that. I had to have Brian go to the car and get me more supplies to clean her up! Ughh..let's see. The most recent episode of that was just about 1 month ago. We took a drive to the Y and she got out of the car and into the building just to run out and toss her cookies in the grass! About 8 yrs later and its still happening.
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