A few weeks ago I posted that my egg share had in fact been canceled. Sigh. This still sads me. I love my fresh eggs. Once you have them it is hard to go back to those watery, yellowy, store bought eggs. I am still in search of a new source for fresh eggs that I will be able to get on a regular basis.
However, there was a big smile on my face when I saw Mim this week and she handed me this.
And in it were these. 3 dozen of these! 3! 3 dozen I say! I was totally excited to hear that news and to see all 36 of them peeking up at me.
I had to take one out and hold it. Everybody does this, right? Holds their eggs and tells them how pretty they are and how much they love them. Cmon. I know Im not the only one.
Even tho they werent my eggs from the beginning. I mean, they didnt come from my chickens. I dont have any chickens....yet. I still could not resist weighing each and every one of those amazing eggs.
Among those 36 eggs, I discovered that the the majority were coming in at 1 5/8 ounces. (Or 1.625 ounces for those that prefer the decimal system.) There were a few that were 1 1/4 ounces and a few that were 1 3/4 ounces. Heres the littlest and the biggest.
But thats not all. Since we were finally able to see each other it was the perfect opportunity to exchange gifts from the holiday season. It delighted me to open my gift bag to see some chai tea(chocolate, no less), some yummy tea bags, and a very pretty bookmark. I love to read, and there are times when I actually have a few books going at once...so this is a perfect thing for me.
And then there was this.
Yep, you guessed it. A cutting board. A bamboo cutting board to be exact. I cant wait to try it out.
Okay, well, I kinda tried it out.
Thanks for the eggs, Mim. And the great gifts! As you can see, I love them all!
7UP Cake
13 hours ago
What a delight! I wish my hens were laying that well right now! The day length is too short and I don't provide supplemental light. My dearly departed Rosie once laid an egg that was 3.2 ounces. She was a trooper! I love the way that an egg feels in the hand. It is shaped just so, as if designed for the sole purpose of being held in the hand. But the very best thing is to hold an egg that is so freshly laid that it is delightfully warm, when one's hand is frosty cold on a winter's day. There is nothing that compares!
You are funny. Weighing each of the 36 eggs. Cracks me up. Get it, cracks me up? Seriously, you received some very nice and thoughtful gifts there. (your photography compositions are starting to look similar to Danni's, she must be influencing your artistic sensibilities) Ha!
Clearly I need to weigh in on this subject. In my opinion, you must immediately cease using any kind of fraction in your egg weight. It's, quite simply, not precise enough. To be a true egg nerd, we need our data down to the decimal point (as you kindly provided, but after that ridiculous fraction number). :-)
I love that you weighed all 36 of those beautiful eggs. Where did you write down all that weight info? You did save it, right? This way, you'll be able to tell Mim how much her eggs are growing as her hens mature.
What a nice cutting board. The eggs definitely highlight its beauty.
Thanks for the egg stats. It was sooo #7 of you. My scale shows up as fractions, I'm going to have to check and see if it can be changed.
Umm, I hold the eggs but I don't talk to them. You might want to see someone about that. LOL
So glad you liked the gifts, I loved mine. The tea is wonderful. And now I have to figure out what to do with the spinner with the white lid.
Hey! Don't feel the haters, girl! We lower digit girls gotta stick together!! ;) Btw, Ethan doesn't find your behavior odd at all, he pets, caresses and talks to each and every egg. And if there's a new layer, like our turkey last week, He hugs it and says "Momma I so HAPPY!!!"
So, you use those eggs to weight down the cutting board and keep it from sliding around on the counter? How much did those eggs weigh?!!
I can't even come up with a comment that is funnier than Mims, so I wont even try. #7 hee hee.
Keep that up and Danni is going to have to get you a calendar.
I think you have been spending Way too much time with Dorothy. I am begining to see a definit personality change here. Now i'm not saying this is a neccessarily a BAD thing...I'm just sayin'...
i just love this post. I wish you lived closer - my new layers are over whelming me with eggs.
I have a small egg weigher - it starts at "pee wee" and goes to XX Large. It's just too cute.
I hope you find someone to get eggs from on a regular basis again.
I, too, love feeling that warm egg in my hand knowing it was just recently laid. There is something precious about a newly laid egg.
Since we built our daughter's chicken coop to house her 22 sweet hens, we now have a "Life-Time-Supply" of fresh eggs, how cool is that?! I think it must be time to get your own flock so you'll never be without.
I'm new to comment on your blog and I'm feeling pretty foolish in not "getting" the comment about #7 . . . what am I missing?
You lucky dog!
My girls have all but quit laying. It is winter and they are 4 years old. The first time I had to buy grocery store eggs after 3+ years of 'real' eggs, it was awful.
Now that is a love of eggs, lol! Enjoy your goodies.
Claire: Yeah, Im loving the eggs! i dont believe that my friend that gave them to me provides addtl light, either. I have gotten to experience holding a freshly laid egg in my cold hands. And I have to agree....it is a great thing.
Farmer Jen: Like, Danni's? You think so...Im gonna have to watch that...pay more attn...I dont want her getting a big head. :) Really tho, thats a very nice compliment. Thank you. I love Danni's pics...
Farmgirl dk: Fractions are fine...funny tho, how you can convert them to decimal so easily and it makes you feel more nerd like. And, of course, I wrote it down. What kinda egg talker/weigher wouldnt write all that down?
Mim: Thank you sooooo much for the eggs. Can you tell they make me happy? Oh, and maybe you should be talking to #62...I mean, she weighs her eggs, too....And that seems even more odd...considering the differences in our score.
Farm mom: Thanks for being there with me, Ang. I knew I could count on you. And Ethan rocks. Him and I...we are cool like that. We can talk to eggs. I SO woulda hugged that turkey egg, too.
Gnightgirl: Funny lady, are ya?
Sugarcreekstuff: You guys make fun all you want....Im just fine being a 7. Hold on, I gotta go fix that pillow on the couch. It totally wasnt in the right spot. A calendar? From Danni? I would love one....when Im done with it maybe I can shellac it. And keep it safe forever.
Greywolf: So, what are you sayin...exactly?
basicliving@backtobasicliving.com: Hi Penny. Now, you have to do a post on your egg weigher....we all want to see that. Okay, well, maybe just me. But still...Ill be waiting!
California Grammy: HI there. I love having new visitors! That was so great of you to help your daughter build her coop....and then to have an unlimited supply of eggs? Thats fantastic! I really would love to have my own flock....Im trying to work that out. Maybe soon.
Okay, so the number 7 thing...well its kinda silly really and the girls, as you can see, love to tease me about it something awful. There was this quiz you could take over at Sugarcreekstuff's blog...and I happened to score the lowest out of everyone....which then is supposed to mean that I dont have any trouble staying focused, I dont distract easily, my attention span is within the "normal" limits....what the girls would tell you is that I like things to be a very certain way...I like organization....so, what do you think? Theres nothing wrong with that, right? I loved seeing ya at my blog. I gotta go now, tho....I gotta go rearrange my sock drawer again.
CeeCee: Yay! Im lucky! And Im loving every minute of it. I will have to buy eggs at some point...I dread that time.
IF: I do love my eggs. Every single one of them!
Hee hee, yes, I totally sweet talk my eggs ;)
I haven't had good eggs in so long. But I've got 50 layer chicks coming on Thursday...fresh eggs are only 18 to 22 weeks away!
Nothing like farm fresh eggs although I do admit I don't talk to mine much. I have a bamboo cutting board and I adore it. It doesn't show many cut marks at all and cleans up like a dream. But I see you have a pretty important use for yours. Carry on!
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