Sunday, March 4, 2007

It's a girl!

My SIL had a baby girl! I am so happy for her. Everyone is resting peacefully. Her birth was a doula's nightmare. Long story short...had a doula been there it could have been so different.

I am a doula. A doula is a person who supports women during labor and delivery. That support can be physical, emotional, or, spiritual. Not medical. It is a personalized support that is based upon individual needs and wants.

Hearing of women that have a hard time during labor and delivery makes me sad. It is supposed to be a very special time in your life and unfortunately, it isn't always that way. Obviously labor is hard. It is hard work. Hence the word, labor. What I mean is that if you have the right support it can be a wonderful experience. It can be an intimate and empowering experience, in spite of the pain. It can be a time where you bask in the pain because you know what the pain will bring to you. A healthy baby. The goal of everyone involved. However, everyone's idea of how to get there happens to be very different.


ExpatChef said...

What a wonderful experience. I could have used some help during mine. I believe I was over on the bed pushing, and my husband was "tired" so he sat on the couch!!!!!

Oh my. I imagine you have some incredible stories!

frugalmom said...

Expat: I do have many a story....I will have to share them with you one day. It is a great experience tho. After having my youngest I have taken quite a bit of time off. I do have one client coming up, but I have that huge pull to be at home more these days.

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Oo! I want to blog-interview you, next doula experience, though you could write it your ownself and I could link to you.

I do have a Preggerzzzzzzz friend...

Congrats to you all for new bebita!

frugalmom said...

Gnightgirl: An interview? I'm famous, I'm famous!!!! Okay. I'll stop that now. Maybe I will write it this next time....I'd have to change the names to protect the innocent, I mean, clients.