Sunday, November 4, 2007

30 days of thanks

Entry #4

As many times as I have said that I think cell phones can be somewhat unnerving when they are ringing in the movie or being used in the checkout lane....I am thankful that I have one so that my kids can reach me anytime and so that my husband has an added reason to text me to say that he loves me.


Anonymous said...

I'm VERY thankful you have a cel phone too... love ma

witchypoo said...

I'm too cheap to have a cell phone!
But for long distance calls, Skype rocks.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, that's sweet. Maybe he can text my hubby and tell him to do the same?

frugalmom said...

Diane Raymond: I know this because you call me all the time.

boogiemum: Hah! Consider it done!

witchypoo: They are expensive. I will agree to that.