Sugarcreekstuff left a comment on my post saying just how adorable my little helper is and would I care to share him. Now it would be pure silly of me not to whole heartedly agree with her, right? Maybe even take her up on the offer....
My little helper, G and I also managed to clean off the patio this weekend....put up the little wading pool, cleaned and covered the fire pit thingie, swept off the patio, moved the big pile of rocks that had been setting there for ages, AND we moved and stacked our firewood pile. Which I have to say, took me and G the most time of it all....I put one on, he took 2 off, I moved one over, he moved one back, I turn around and talk to the other kids and the wood has magically been taken off the pile completely and is now laying piece by piece, end to end, for the full span of the patio.....really, I just turned my back for a second. So, we begin again. Im sure we went thru this process 2 or 3 times before Mama, says to him calmly, would you like a snack? How bout you sit on the step there and have a snack and Mama will finish moving the wood.....
My woodpile:
Sugarcreekstuff's woodpile (keep reading, its towards the end)
You sure you still want that helper, Michelle? I mean, Im looking at YOUR pile and Im sure it took you quite a bit of time to get that looking so pretty and all....but, really, if you wanna....I mean, I know hes cute and all....
I just wet myself, that post was hysterical, then that photo of your wood pile, I cant stop laughing. Not that that isn't a respectable woodpile.
Ok, maybe I'll just settle for the cute pics.
Michelle: Pictures it is! Altho, if you find your pile dwindling faster than normal....dont come looking over here...
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