The first day was quite eventful, I must say. Start it all off with the plane seat number 1(in the front of me)...smelly man, who honestly had his seat reclined so far back that I swear I could have given him a facial. In seat number 2(to the right of me)....Mr. Chewin Tobacca Man...who really should have just brought his own spitoon. That little handkerchief wasnt really cuttin it by the end of a 4 hour flight. Not to mention the fact that when we were taking off somebody had left a water bottle in their bag above them and it began to spill all over and run down from the bins where you stow your bags....people were holding blankets up over their heads....quite an interesting flight, I must say. Who knew this was what first class was all about? No wonder they pull that little curtain closed to separate first class from everyone else.....
Needless to say, I arrived in due time and thankfully, had no problem picking Danni out from the crowd. Altho, until we got to the vehicle and I was introduced to Miss Roxy...lets just say, I was ready to break out some nice karate moves in case I wound up with the wrong lady. But I did think it a good stall tactic of me to hide the parking ticket.....gave me a few minutes to get Roxy on my good it was made very clear that if I didnt pass the Roxy test...well, I may as well get just get back on the plane.
Ran a few errands then made our way to the farm. Having all the important things pointed out along the way....hospitals, train stations, mountains, and so on. Then it was virtually off to get hay. Being given fair warning that the smell of the dairy farm was an experience all of its own...well...thats really an understatement. And just when you think you have gotten used to it...BAM...heres comes a nice breeze...Ill just say it sorta ummm...ebbs and flows. But, I did get to see the cute little calves and the pretty mama cows. AND I got to have the funnest truck ride ever. Where at one point, I honestly bounced up off the truck bed and just had to hope that when I came back down that my backside would land softly enough!
We did eventually make it back home with the hay. And managed to get it all put away in pretty good time, I thought. Where's all my pictures, you say? Well, its kinda hard to take a picture when you are trying to steer a wheelbarrow with bales of hay in it and you cant even see over the top....I had to have a guide. They really should get some of those bright orange wands that they use to bring in planes....that would have been helpful to me maybe.
I promise more pics next time. The first couple days I was just takin it all in. Soakin it all up. I do have to say tho, she really pulled out all the stops. Right down to the mouse running across the floor. Couldnt have been more perfect.
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Enjoy your stay. I think it is great that you two had the opportunity to meet in person. Have fun!!
All I can say is you are *very* lucky that Roxy loves you as much as she does. I would have had absolutely no problem putting you back on the plane with smelly man and spittin' man. :-)
Of course, I'm completely sold now that I know Pistol loves you, too. Animals are extremely good judges of character.
Nice, did you at least have warm hands on the plane ride? Did you remember the ginger this time?
Are your muscles sore? You are going to be all buff when you get home. Maybe this will jumpstart an exercise routine?
So fun! I like the ebb and flow of the stench.
How long are you slaving I mean staying?
You must know that there are a lot of us envious of you. But are happy that you two got together and I know you'll just have lots of blogging fodder and lots of laughs!
You guys (Danni and you) sure are a crack-up. She really made you work for your stay. That's one way to make sure your guests don't stay too long! ;)
Michelle you crack me up!!! LOL! That was my first thought too! What a task master Danni is! Who knew?!? I was thinking at first "boy, that'd be nice to go visit danni" I'm thinking I can just stay home and do my own chores! LOL! :)
Oh, but Angie, chores are WAY more fun here. So, when are you going to come and slave, er, stay at my house? :-)
country girl: Thanks.
mim: An exercise routine? What are you trying to say? Anyway....this is way too much fun to be characterized as exercise....its farm fun.
michelle: Im here for a little longer, but dang, I may be needin one of those wheelchairs waitin for me at the airport gate....
californiagrammy: Thanks for stopping by. We are having a great time. Danni is great!
Danni: Dont I know it....the whole Roxy thing was keeping me up at night!
Angie: Ha! Task Master....well, if the shoe fits...
nw nature nut: That is a proactive way to monitor company visits, huh?
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